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Lazy Sunday / Maintenance

Today, Jeff rested. I woke up late, talked to the family in the exotic eastern lands, meandered through the halls of the Westwood Borders, and watched some basketball. Not terribly productive... almost like my mind was thousands of miles away (hopefully in some warm tropical locale).

There seems to be some problem with Intercept Vector's weather web service, which means that my little weather sidebar doesn't work properly. I tried to debug the plugin, but since it is the service's fault, it simply seems easier to sit on my butt and just wait for it to start working again.

I've also included a new sidebar, using the plug-in available from here. This plugin outputs URLs from recent posts, and I'm using it in my little sidebar.

I have some questions about Movable Type's plugin system: When does it reprocess the tags? The weather plugin, in particular, is somewhat limiting if the page needs to be reprocessed in order to get the latest weather info. I suppose that these blogs are updated frequently, which would cause a reprocessing. Maybe it is not an issue.



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