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Why MBA Essay

Another essay for the UCLA FEMBA program: Why have you decided to enter the Executive or the Fully-Employed MBA Program? Why is this the appropriate time for you to begin?

Continue reading for my response.

I enjoy my work. Over the last several years, my role within the Honeywell organization has been to guide the development of productivity-enhancing software for engineering. I believe that I have done well, and that success has opened opportunities that may require improved business-related skills. In particular, I hope to improve my skills in tracking trends in my industry and others, judging the business impact of our technologies, and managing teams to achieve successful results.

Computer-aided engineering has revolutionized the aerospace industry. My company recognizes that potential, and has invested in it. Over the last several years, we have been integrating disparate systems, in order to reduce maintenance costs, improve productivity, and gain some of the benefits of the modern computing platform. But, I have only been exposed to the aerospace industry. By learning about other industries, and trends that are shaping the economy, I believe that I will be able to make better decisions for my organization.

Business decisions should be made based upon ample data and correct analysis. I have an excellent understanding of technology, and routinely advise management about technological advances and implementation costs. However, the technology is only one aspect of a business solution. The skills gained within an MBA would enable me to understand the financial (and sometimes, political) aspects of the decision.

I have been leading a small team of software developers for the last several years. "People management" a completely different problem than the sort I was trained to handle. We have done well, and met our implementation goals. But, as the teams grow in size and importance, I believe that I could benefit from formal training.

The skills that I hope to develop, and the experiences that I hope to share, provide ample justification to invest in my MBA.



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