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Elizabeth Swim Competition

Elizabeth participated in a swim meet on April 18, at Loyola Marymount college . She swam in the 100, 200, and 500 freestyle events, and took home ribbons in each. (She got 2nd, 1st, and 3rd, respectively, in her age group. Nice job!)

I played a critical role, by being her official lap counter.

Elizabeth, girded with swimcap and goggles, awaits the beginning of a race.
She advertises Southern California Aquatic Masters Club during the event. I suppose that it doesn't quite have the impact as a Nike sponsorship, but that's been done already.
The LMU pool is quite nice. The events were done in the shorter, 25 yard, direction.
The results up on the scoreboard. LMU should invest in a jumbotron-style scoreboard for their swimming events. Instant replays, gatorade commercials, etc.



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Jeff - Great website! I apologize, but this is not a comment on the website, but it does look great. I went to high school with your girlfriend, Elizabeth (or Betsy as I knew her then). I Googled her and came up with your website. If possible, could you tell me how she is doing? It would be great to hear! Again, I apologize that this isn't commentary on the blog... Thanks and take care - Dorrie Jones

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